Your kids are precious.
So is your time.
We know that the early years are flying by - along with a lot of your free time. Wise Beginnings is a live-or-later online summit focusing on the Charlotte Mason method for the early years, so you can fill up on what matters most to you right now. Featuring a keynote talk from Amber O'Neil Johnston (Heritage Mom blog), you'll be uplifted and empowered in your Charlotte Mason journey.
Register today for immediate access to the digital gift bag and encouraging, relevant workshops just for you, the Charlotte Mason mom of littles.
Presented by:

Watch whenever it suits your schedule
3 sessions on Charlotte Mason for the early years
$10 to register
What is Wise Beginnings?
Wise Beginnings is an online summit just for you, the Charlotte Mason-minded mom of young children. You want to give your children "gentle and quiet" early years and also want learn more about Charlotte Mason's ideas about education. We also know that you don't have all day: we're bringing together live sessions with a digital giftbag of self-paced resources so that you can make it work with your schedule.
LearnWhat is LearnLearnise BeginningLearn
Three sessions from Charlotte Mason home educators, including a keynote from Amber O'Neil Johnston (Heritage Mom).
Charlotte Mason's principles don't need to wait for formal lessons. Enjoy workshops relevant to where your young children are now.
Keep growing with a digital giftbag of self-paced resources to help you on your Charlotte Mason journey in your own time.
Speakers & Sessions
Amber O'Neil Johnston - Keynote Speaker

Amber O’Neal Johnston (Heritage Mom) fell in love with the principles of Charlotte Mason when her oldest was a preschooler. After wholeheartedly committing to follow Mason’s philosophy, she became disheartened when months went by with little mention, if any, of the stories and accomplishments of black people in her school room. The literary quality of the books was better, but she found that the cultural emptiness she experienced as a schoolgirl was being perpetuated within the walls of her own home.
Committed to bridging the gap for her 4 children, Amber has embarked on a journey of uniquely merging living books with life-giving books to ensure that their education is not a legalistic venture in Charlotte Mason but an honest experience that honors the Truth while helping her children to see themselves and others.
Amber speaks, writes, and shares her observations on inclusive and culturally-rich home education, family history, lifegiving books, the beauty of homemaking, global travel, and more, and when asked about her path she likes to smile and say, “In my house, Charlotte Mason has an afro.”
Amber gives a keynote address on Delighting in the Early Years. With children of various ages and stages – middle school, upper elementary, lower elementary, and a tagalong – Amber O’Neal Johnston has faithfully shepherded multiple children through the difficult and delightful early years. In this session, Amber will share her journey through the first years of her children’s Charlotte Mason home education while sharing the beautiful aspects that she relishes, the not-so-great things she wishes she’d done differently, and the ways that birth order and family circumstances have impacted each child’s experience.
Leah Martin - Cohost

Leah Martin is a former teacher who learned about the Charlotte Mason philosophy when she was hired by a private school. The philosophy complete changed the way she viewed education, and she began implementing it in her home. After leaving her job to be with her children, she continued to learn about Charlotte Mason, and wanted to share it with others. She started My Little Robins in 2016 as a way to connect with like-minded parents, and as a way to keep teaching outside of the classroom, and is a cohost of the Thinking Love Podcast. Leah lives in Colorado with her husband and three children.
Leah gives a workshop on Beyond ABCs and 123s. You've decided that Charlotte Mason's philosophy is right for your young child, but sometimes letting go of society's standards for preschoolers is tough! Maybe you have a spouse or relative who is not convinced that your child will be prepared for their eventual schooling if you don't jump into formal lessons yesterday. Take a deep breath, and let's explore what research really says about early years education, how children develop skills they need for their future schooling, and what will happen if you don't feed your child a steady diet of ABC's and 123's starting from toddlerhood.
Amy Fischer - Cohost

Amy Fischer stumbled into a love for education during a year studying abroad. After leaving work to care for her first child, her enthusiasm led her to look into home education, and, eventually, to the Charlotte Mason Way. Amy blogs at Around the Thicket, where she posts about the Charlotte Mason philosophy, homeschooling, and parenting. When she's not chasing after little boys, she's can be found reading or planning her next hike. She is also a cohost of the Thinking Love podcast. Originally from Indiana, Amy resides in England with her husband and three rambunctious boys.
Amy gives a workshop on Homeschooling is a Marathon: Finding Your Pace in the Early Years. Does raising young children leave you running on empty? If you find yourself sprinting through the early years, now is the time to check your pace. We have years of parenting and homeschooling ahead of us, so we need a rhythm to our lives that we can maintain for the long haul, even when we don't know what the future holds. With the guiding influence of Charlotte Mason's principles, Amy will share habits that moms can establish in the early years that help find the balance between work and rest.
Your questions answered.
The Wise Beginning summit is Saturday, 10th July, beginning at 11AM EDT and ending at 3PM EDT.
Charlotte Mason recommended children begin formal lessons around the age of six. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but by early years we generally mean before this age.
If you have a child under the age of six, we think that Wise Beginnings will be relevant and helpful to you. You might also have older children: that's great! We'll be talking specifically about younger children, but Charlotte Mason's ideas are broadly applicable, so you'll probably pick up some insight for your other children.
Your registration includes:
- Immediate access to the recorded summit
- Lifelong access to the summit
Like Charlotte Mason, the speakers each have a Christian faith which will factor into their sessions.
Registration costs $12.50.
Even if you aren't sure you'll be homeschooling in the future, Charlotte Mason offers incredible insight into how we can lay a great foundation for our children's education - wherever that takes place. We don't think you'll regret taking time to find out more about how to bring her ideas to life in your home.