Today we're talking about dads, and how they relate to our homeschools. We know there will be a huge range of experiences here, and we want to approach this with wisdom and sensitivity. We will discuss our own experiences, knowing that everyone's experience will be different.
"There is a part of the father's work; to be to the child the embodiment of justice, and encyclopedia of knowledge, to settle all his difficulties and answer all his questions. For, to my thinking, a child's questions should be answered, and answered truly, not put off with refusals or evasions, or half-answers, but followed out as far as his interest or capacity of understanding—and the two things are closely allied—take him."
The Father's Place in Education by Mr. J. H. Badley

(2:37) How has your husband been involved, Leah? He found out about Charlotte Mason about the same time you did, right?
(4:09) What about you, Amy?
(5:28) Let's hit on a few areas regarding Charlotte Mason and dads. What do you think some dads are concerned about regarding homeschooling?
(7:49) Compromise is so important!
(8:29) Amy-The decision to homeschool was a very gradual decision for us.
(8:56) When we present these ideas, we have to present them with respect. We're not trying to persuade or make them feel like the inferior parent.
(9:46) Our husbands are born persons, just like our children. We can trust these ideas to grow.
(10:28) If you have an idea about Charlotte Mason that you really want your husband to know, how do you approach it?
(14:35) What kind of information have you found that your husband, or dads in general, want to know about Charlotte Mason?
(14:55) Dads, a lot of times, want data. They want proof that this will work or research supporting it.
(17:00) I don't want to just make all the decisions. How do you include your husband in decision making?
(18:20) Amy- My husband is fluent in French, so he does French lessons with our kids.
(19:30) How does your husband get involved?
(21:15) There are some dads that just aren't able to get involved with education. But it's important to remember that dads are still a part of the atmosphere.
Show notes
A Father's Place in Education by Mr. JH Badley (PNEU Article from Ambleside Online)

This was such a helpful podcast for me as my husband and I recently had a big discussion on how he can be more a part of our homeschool and stay involved with the decisions and direction we are going in. Thanks for sharing! I was also wondering if the Number Sense math curriculum Leah mentioned is still available online?
We are thrilled that this podcast was helpful! We hope you can find ways to work together meaningfully in your homeschool. The math curriculum I mentioned is called The Arithmetic Primer by Frank Hall. Here’s the link- Looking back through it, I remembered all of the fun we had with math that year!