Charlotte Mason Bible Lessons with Crystin Morris

In this episode of our "wisdom" season, we're discussing Bible lessons with Crystin Morris from Delightfully Feasting. 

“Of the three sorts of knowledge proper to a child,—the knowledge of God, of man, and of the universe,—the knowledge of God ranks first in importance, is indispensable, and most happy-making." Charlotte Mason, Philosophy of Education

1:15- Crystin, please introduce yourself! 

3:50 We're loosely talking about wisdom as a guide for our season, but this episode is probably the most important episode- maybe ever! What should Charlotte Mason Bible lessons look like? 

4:27- Mason was adamant that mothers should trust the power of scripture, to keep Bible lessons free of bells and whistles. Our tendency is to look for a curriculum for everything. 

In Charlotte Mason's schools, they read both the New Testament and Old Testament and built a strong foundation in the Bible during the elementary years. 

6:35 "The interpreter is too much with us..." Ourselves

We want the perfect step-by-step ABC thing to lead our children to Christ, but nothing compares to reading the Bible. 

7:58- It's natural, and it progresses in a natural way. 

8:15- God's word is alive. 

9:20- How does this approach to Bible lessons help our children develop wisdom? 

12:35- What does your Bible time look like? Four days a week doesn't seem like enough Bible lessons but that's what we're working with. 

13:30- The most important thing is to know that we're reading the narrative Old Testament and the life of Christ every year and that we're moving forward. 

15:00- Charlotte Mason was assuming that there would be more going on (with Bible lessons) than what was going on at school). 

16:36- How can a mother lead her children in wisdom? 

16:55- More wisdom equals more trust in God. 

19:45- The temptation to moralize. 

22:00- Children might get the wrong idea of sanctification. 

24:40- 1 Corinthians 3:11

26:53- There is no junior version of the Holy Spirit. 

28:05- Hopefully this way of educating our children will set them up better for developing wisdom over time. Developmental appropriateness. 

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