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In this episode, Amy and Leah discuss Charlotte Mason habit training, combined with modern habits research.

"By “education is a discipline,” we mean the discipline of habits, formed definitely and thoughtfully, whether habits of mind or body. Physiologists tell us of the adaptation of brain structures to habitual lines of thought, i.e., to our habits." Charlotte Mason's 7th Principle
Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life. These are the three tools of education that Charlotte Mason gave us. These three tools work together towards securing a rich education and life for children. Charlotte Mason's 7th principle, education is a discipline, refers to habit training. With dedicated habit training, Charlotte Mason said that mothers would secure smooth and easy days in the home.
Children will form habits, whether they are good or bad. Instead of just allowing them to develop habits on their own, we can help them develop good habits. It's important to cultivate those habits starting in infancy.
While this isn't a complete list, some of the habits we can work on include:
- habits of a spiritual life
- social habits
- mental habits- i.e attention
- prompt obedience
- habits of order and neatness
Show notes
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Home Education (available to read online from Ambleside Online)
Habits for the Early Years: A Mother's Journal
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Atomic Habits by James P. Clear

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