Is the Charlotte Mason method enough? In a world full of pressure to achieve and attain, most of us have asked this question. Perhaps it looms largest on the minds of parents of kids with special needs. But for education specialist and home educator Amy Bodkin, the answer is a definite, “Yes”. If your child is a born person, the Charlotte Mason method is not only enough, but it is the foundation for an education that will let your child flourish. Join us as we talk with Amy about how the Charlotte Mason method comes to life in her family.
Learn more about Amy on her website and at Charlotte Mason Plenary.
We mention many resources throughout the episode, so remember to scroll to the bottom of the post for links.
Meet Amy Bodkin
[1:58] I wanted other children to have a different experience from what I did and I became a school psychologist.
[3:30] Charlotte Mason’s principles make you really deal with your stuff, because all of us have stuff. Most of us do not grow up being respected as people.
Is the Charlotte Mason Method ‘enough’ for special needs children?
[8:20] I would say it’s exactly what they ned, because the people in this world who are seen the least like persons are 1. children and 2. anyone who is different in any way.
[9:23] We need to let children work at their lowest comfort level. All children should have a lot of comfort – a lot they are good at, and a few things that are difficult.
What does the Charlotte Mason method look like in action for special needs kids?
[17:33] The atmosphere really comes down to us as moms. We are the atmosphere…the mental health atmosphere we provide is teaching our children who they want to be.
[20:21] There is sometimes more than one option…we can think of creative ways to problem solve.
[21:59] Some of our kids will not graduate…we need to think about a comfortable, maintainable rhythm.
Mentioned in this Episode
Amy’s website
Forms in a Charlotte Mason homeschool
Mom, We are the Home Atmosphere
Charlotte Mason Your Way Form Guides
Amy’s Facebook Group
Amy’s podcast
Charlotte Mason Plenary Facebook Community
Very encouraging, thank you!
So glad you found it so, Amanda!
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