Amy Fischer

Thinking Love co-host and a self-certified education enthusiast

Technology and the Charlotte Mason Homeschool with Dachelle McVey

Technological advances seem to happen faster and faster, and for many of us homeschool moms, we would prefer to tuck ourselves away with our book stacks and nature journals. But hiding from the Information Age could mean that we are missing opportunities to enrich our homeschools on one hand, and prepare our children for the

Technology and the Charlotte Mason Homeschool with Dachelle McVey Read More »

The Case for (Charlotte Mason) Kindergarten with Jennifer Dowdy

In the last episode of the podcast, Amy and Leah explored what Charlotte Mason really said about kindergarten. Today, they are back with Jennifer Dowdy from Charlotte Mason Mama to talk about how and why we might want to create a kindergarten year for our younger children. Jennifer, a veteran Charlotte Mason homeschooler of thirteen

The Case for (Charlotte Mason) Kindergarten with Jennifer Dowdy Read More »

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